Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Back from Pittsburgh

Over the weekend Anne and I took a great trip to see her family and home town of Pittsburgh PA. We made it back safe with only minor cases of jet lag and smoke inhalation.

Some highlights:
* Not working Friday and Monday and actually leaving my laptop in California
* Coming out of the fort Pitt tunnel to see the downtown skyline and the ball parks for the first time.
* Seeing embarrassing childhood pictures of Anne and Dan plastered around the house
* The Red Room bar/lounge and meeting Karen, Anne's bestest friend.
* Karen's face when she discovered the "special" house drink at the Marti Graw bar is a screwdriver.
* The small lake near Anne's house
* Waking up hungover at 10am, re-waking up at 10:45am sans hangover
* Dinner at Monterey Bay Fish house with the whole family.
* Talking golf, law, cars, houses, computers, mp3 players, country clubs, jazz, and art with Anne's dad
* Snow
* Locking myself out in the snow for an hour.
* Jody driving up to visit for an afternoon
* Hanging out with Jody and Anne eating Panini Brothers sandwiches (which include french fries and coleslaw ON the sandwich)
* Warhol museum
* Anne's mom bbq'ing outside in the snow
* strawberry shortcake
* Meeting Aunt Jane
* Lunch with Walter Anne's old boss from Family Services.
* Sunset from 30k feet on the way back to San Diego.

The only lowpoints:
* Locking myself out in the snow
* Leaving my mp3 player in Pittsburgh
* Having to wake up for work today. Vacations should never end.

So many stories to tell! I even made a list of things to write about. I wonder where I left it...

1 comment:

AnnieD said...

Did you leave it in the airplane pocket, or is it with your mp3 player ;-) ?