Thursday, March 31, 2005

Skateboarding is a crime

Looks like I lost a battle at work. A few of us decided a few weeks back that it's lame that smokers get a break to go outside every hour, so we decided to start taking a walk in the afternoon around the industrial park. Get some fresh air, chill out, stand up, walk away from the endless work, reset. The walk eventually turned into us riding long skateboards around the empty back area of the parking lot. This was great fun, and harmless, until now...

Last week we spoke to 2 different security guards who told us, go ahead, just wear your badge so they know who we are. This week a new guard told us we were not allowed to skate in the lot and if we had a problem with it, go email security. Of course I did. The email made it up the chain of management and was answered today not by security (cuz they don't have a rule at all) but by facilities with basically, this is a leased building, landlord says no, please stop. Load of crap. They didn't even bother to answer my sincere questions in my email about where we might skate if this parking lot is off limits.

So now, I'm really annoyed again. We aren't hurting anything or anyone, enjoying being outside, enjoying the GIANT empty lot, but we have to stop. I think that's lame and retarded. Guess I'll stay inside, hunched over staring at monitors, or perhaps head home to watch the boob tube. We wouldn't want people outside exercising and having fun now would we? No, that would be wrong because we might fall and sue someone. Excuse my language but this is bullshit.

I've also been told by my management to drop this immediately. Apparently there are other battles being fought by them that I'm not privy to that this could affect. So, like any political battle, I get to suck it up and shut up. Lovely.

Remember folks, you're all at the bottom of the totem pole, don't make waves, even small ones, because the other fish are all bigger than you.



White Shark Released

Sad... The white shark from the Monterey Aquarium was released. Guess even though she was eating well, she was hunting the other sharks. I'm sure they are glad she's gone.

Monterey Bay Aquarium: Conservation and Research - White Shark Research

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Mountain board!

Been playing with a borrowed mountain board for a week. It's a ton of fun and N8 was kind enough to snag a pic.

back to blogger...

It's funny looking around Blogger now and seeing how different it is and how nice it's become. My first blog was on blogger back in 2003 before I moved to MT. They have really made this thing pretty. So far I can't think of a single complaint! Imagine that, me, without a single complaint... I must be sleepy.

Good night.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

affect vs effect

Ok, so I've talked about this before, but I think the synapses that understand the difference between affect and effect are completely gone. Found this nice little quiz that proves I just don't get it....

Accept/Except is no prob, blew through that quiz 100%...
Affect/Effect... well, ya, I only missed one, but I was guessing.

Blogger is now online

Well, I think I'm giving up on myself. I 'm just too damn lazy (or busy) to finish setting up the new blog software so I'm going to give blogger a shot for a while. Be happy, at least you can comment again.