Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Rough day

got some bad news from home today. I'm having a little trouble deciding how to handle it and what to think. Have a feeling blogging probably isn't the right way to deal, but I need to write something. Course... I don't know what to say really.

I think I'm going to take a break from writing for a while. I know no one reads this anyway, but I'm realizing I don't have anything interesting to say anymore. You all know how I feel about our government and you've probably figured out I don't have much of a voice when I write. So, fewer post, hopefully better posts.

Well, just in case anyone doesn't know, my parents are two of the most amazing people walking (or limping in pop's case) this planet. I don't tell them that enough, but it's true. For anyone who knows me, just imagine, they've put up with me for 28 years. I love you guys.

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