Thursday, May 03, 2007

Len10 is crazy

New video of Ruben Lenten in OZ.  This kid is just ridiculous. 

Reverse launching C kites with a dog running through the lines,HUGE kiteloops, and I don't even know what some of the tricks he's doing are!,com_videos/task,show/id,1353/Itemid,30/


Anne and I have talked about what it will be in our future that children will understand yet we will not. Similar to computers in this generation.
My answer has been some sort of neural device that allows one to control things like video games, computers, or even driving a car. Well, looks like someone is on their way: Mind Reading Toys

Thought provoking video: Shift Happens
Nerdy thought provoking video from Web2.0 conference: The Machine is Us/ing Us

And some interesting science news about death: Doctors change the way they think about death