Friday, May 20, 2005


Man, google is cool!
Check out Personalized Google. The drag and drop feature is pretty amazing.

If that doesn't float your boat, I'm sure something in Google labs will.

Thursday, May 12, 2005


There's a new kite in the works. Seems there is more hype than real info about it, but the idea sounds good or at least interesting. For the price (~$2k) I think I'll wait a few years until they perfect it.

Geek out on the Cuben Fiber they are using. Lighter, doesn't stretch, looks cool. ya ya, but it's still going to de-lam one day.


What people are saying: Hellfish scam

I think I'm still gunning for the Slingshot Machine. ahh.... so purdy...


Interesting reading for the slouchers out there. You know who you are! SPORTS INJURY SHOP, NEWS & ADVICE

Really technical study

squatting joint???

Toilet seat from hell

Sorry to embarrass my parents, but I have to talk about this.

My parents have just redone one of their bathrooms. In the process they added a crazy Japanese toilet seat thing which I used once. I say once, because I'm pretty sure I don't ever want to use it again. This thing sprays a warm strong jet of water right up your ... well, you know.

My Mom heard me cracking up from the other end of the house.

I'll stick to TP thanks.

Daley wants to ban general aviation over all citys

Morons I tell you, pure morons.

Aero-News Network: The Aviation and Aerospace World's Daily/Real-Time News and Information Service

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Earthquake #2

We had a nice kick-in-the-pants earthquake here in Napa last night. Someone evil fed me coffee at 9pm so I was reading away in bed when the room started growling and moving. Pretty good quake. Not like the little poopers we get in San Diego. This one growled and rolled for maybe 5 or 6 seconds. Turns out to have been centered only a few miles away on the other side of the mountain from us.

Quake info

No harm done. I got up to check the family and house and see how big it officially was. The dog didn't even move. I hit him with a door he was sleeping behind and he still didn't move. Dogs are great, but this one's not much of a protector.

Now, off to Mother's Day breakfast!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Rough day

got some bad news from home today. I'm having a little trouble deciding how to handle it and what to think. Have a feeling blogging probably isn't the right way to deal, but I need to write something. Course... I don't know what to say really.

I think I'm going to take a break from writing for a while. I know no one reads this anyway, but I'm realizing I don't have anything interesting to say anymore. You all know how I feel about our government and you've probably figured out I don't have much of a voice when I write. So, fewer post, hopefully better posts.

Well, just in case anyone doesn't know, my parents are two of the most amazing people walking (or limping in pop's case) this planet. I don't tell them that enough, but it's true. For anyone who knows me, just imagine, they've put up with me for 28 years. I love you guys.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Some Jam Bands Are Cool Too

Looks like I shouldn't drink and post. I misspoke and managed to say something along the lines of "all jam bands suck." That's not exactly what I meant. There are some very good jam bands out there and some of them are even interesting. I don't like some jam bands. That's a better comment.

An intersting post for later, "Why music is so personal and I'd rather someone insult my clothes, friends, car, or lifestyle before they insult my favorite bands."